Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It's late...I'm up, there's some heavy duty storming, but my computer is working at this moment!!

I hope everyone's had a good day and evening.
I was watching the scenes from Joplin earlier in the day and sat and cried. A little 16 month old vanished in the storm. His name is Sklylar. His folks are trying to recover in a hospital. Lord, help them find this little boy!
I can hardly imagine what that would be like.
And a man couldn't find his sister...and I'm sure there are so many more stories just like this.

God has said we are not to fear, just believe. I think most of us can handle that in most's during the worst part of the storm, stuck in the eye of hurricane or the middle of the Tornado, that our faith may waiver ever the slightest.

We see little 16 month olds ripped from the arms of those who love and try to protect them and fall into shock and disbelief. And there just is no good answer for any of it.

As puny mankind stands against the greatest storms of life, we learn one single truth...and that is that when it's completely and utterly out of our hands, that His hands are strength enough to help us stand up against whatever comes.

I have noticed in almost every tragic incident across this nation over the last several years, that in the midst of the rubble and destruction, you may just find in almost every case, a cross standing untouched somewhere. Such is the case this time in Joplin.
Maybe you haven't seen it yet as you view the t.v. images from the wake of such destruction, but we saw it. And sometimes people are intent on focusing on other things to the point that they just miss it, but it's almost always there.

Like a symbol of hope in the midst of it all if you'll just look for it.

For Joplin, there will be a long long process of healing and rebuilding.
We continue to pray for them.

G'night everyone! I hope you sleep sound and safe through the long night.

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