Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Well...today is the first day

"officially" of the rest of my summer! Thus far, the wind has blown up to and including today, several limbs/leaves off the trees, cushions off the yard swing, blankets/pillows and accompanying paraphernalia asunder and across the newly mowed lawn. Methinks it is going to be a summer of chasing down equipment all over the place...should help keep me in shape, or do me in...one or the other!

And the gnats have eyed me on more than one occasion (actually the minute I sit down outside I am swarmed)...as their personal picnic area! And a mighty big one at that.

Beside the fact that I am being eaten alive by these nasty creatures, and the wind trying to blow me to smithereens, I am so happy to have the sun shining and green stuff all around! And flowers are starting to bloom and there's lovely little things to be witnessed. Like the Orioles stopping in every day...the Cardinals and Blue Jays jabbering as they vie for the seed in the feeders and on the ground.
And it's a real task to keep our pups at bay when the squirrels decide to venture over to the bird bath when they're thirsty. They do pretty good for dogs.

I love seeing and hearing the sights and sounds of summer!
It fills the heart with wonder.

I have a message board support group and have for years now. One of my really close friends from there is struggling to hang on to life awhile longer. She loved sitting out and enjoying the beauty of summer too. So, although my heart is filled with the beauty of the day, it also feels heavy knowing that such a beautiful spirit may soon be leaving us. Another board that I am a member of has an announcement there that a friend on that board has been given only four months to live with the discovery of pancreatic cancer.

So, while I may snort and complain about the excessive wind and gnats and petty little stuff of life, there are far more monumental things in life that need consideration. There are things to be thankful for each and every day as we chase around the lawn furniture and flail away at the mosquitos and gnats of life.

There is waking up to appreciate the sunshine that is needed to grow our beautiful flowers, the rain that helps drive nourishment into the soil of our souls so that we can see the rainbows that come.

I will pray for my friends today. That they will have a chance before they leave to actually see the loveliness that God has provided while they are still here to see it. And if you're out and about and see a short, bald, older lady, arms going every which way running around like a crazy woman being chased by gnats today...you'll know it's me, just trying to squeeze every ounce of life out of the moments I can spend on this, my first day of the rest of my summer!

Hope you can enjoy your first day as well.

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