...growing older!! E-GADS!!!
Some of my elder friends think I'm still a kid! At sixty-two no less!
But sometimes that age thing creeps up on ya.
I mean, I used to be good at multi-tasking, right? Well... here I am, going thru
old pictures, get up to go outside a bit, am distracted by the empty Oriole feeders
and start to clean them to replenish with fresh nectar...can't get the crud out properly so bring them in to discover there's not enuff nectar to do anything. I start the nectar and finish cleaning the feeders. I put the fresh stuff in a bath of cold water to speed the cooling and when done, fill two feeders & take them out.
I immediately come in and start a double batch to put away for the next round so there's no last minute rush! In the interim, I sit to wait the two minutes it's supposed to boil (it hasn't started yet) in front of my computer screen.
It's there I see my dear writing friend's most recent information about having a hip replaced and remember to pick up the phone to call her!
We didn't talk forever, but longer than two minutes for sure. All the while the nectar is on the stove just boiling away. Finally, the stove hood kicks in and I look up to see steam vapor pouring out of the kettle. I jump up to go turn it off and hope that I haven't ruined it for the birdies!! Only time will tell.
I have so many days like this that I'm beginning to wonder about myself! lol
Between the CFS/ME brain fog and the slowing of my thought processes due to my dotage... it's a wonder I can still come up with a plan to get myself dressed in the mornings! geeeesh!
Anyway, that's it for the day.
Will tty'all later (if I can remember my way back here)
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